What Is Truly Important

Talent and Growth

Nothing is more dangerous than growing too quickly and without enough talent to support the growth. We have witnessed many a company skyrocket up into the clouds with rapid growth only to shortly thereafter fall to the ground like a shooting star disintegrating into mere dust. Yet other companies cannot manage to find any significant growth at all that will ensure their future. We believe the key to steady growth comes from building a workforce that trust each other and will collaborate heartily. Recruiting and developing talent is always a matter of building high levels of trust. Once trust is combined with diligence and responsibility innovation will begin to emerge needing only a little guidance and encouragement.

Armstrong Carter Pe-Trick is all about finding and developing people to work near the top of their potential, who look out for each other and are devoted to the company’s mission. From trust and dedication comes the freedom to innovate within the company’s core competencies. This is quite the opposite to companies whose executives harbour self-serving hidden agendas for the purpose of turf protection and empire building… Quite the opposite to companies who cannot execute strategies because they never really achieve buy-in from their worker bees… Quite the opposite to companies who get little or no value out of their training programs because they are out of touch with their staff and what they really need.

What Is Really Important

Trust is established by building an atmosphere or culture of cooperation and plenty of give-and-take. Rather than a spirit of competition and ego there is an active effort to support each other and root for each other’s success (because it is all part of the company’s p greater vision and dream). In other words it’s teamwork moving toward something that is truly important. The greatest leaders, Level V Leaders as Jim Collins has labelled them, are those with great humility in service beyond self to their organization’s real purpose and reason for being. It turns out that self-sacrifice for the greater good is really quite exciting. Celebrating each other’s successes is the best.

The Richest Fields

So Armstrong Carter Petrick is about building corporate success – – not through the latest management fad or through the superiority of some wisdom we might have – – but rather by working hard to make our clients powerful. For we believe that good companies have at their disposal enough resources and enough skill to do what needs to be done; they have only to unleash what they already have. The problem is generally one of myopic vision and a crisis mentality that overwhelms even the best, and so too often they downgrade what is truly important. We tend to put our prickly, most difficult of problems on the back burner, for we really don’t know what to do about them. But it is in these conundrums that we find the richest fields for value creation. We see our job as simply helping our clients face that elephant in the board room, gently address it, and get reorganized so everyone can do their best. So we help with talent and systems and teamwork. We present hope for the courageous.

Recruiting high potential talent, introducing a team like systems approach, and refocusing our clients on the real needs of their customers is what will produce amazing innovation. That is our overarching goal, to help our clients discover their own resources to do for themselves more than they ever believed possible. We are just enablers who help here and there.

We generally start with recruiting, move to teambuilding and from that comes a focus on collaboration to solve their clients’ frustrations. The end result is truly great innovation.

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