We believe that in most cases there is no secret sauce that will produce untold success... rather it seems to us that success is found in doing the fundamentals very well. Success is a combination of (1) skill or know-how, (2) a wide base of understanding along with common sense, and (3) diligence motivated by vision. That’s wisdom. Wisdom is simple and straightforward. This stands in direct contrast to those who try to Wow us with stature and mystery. Too often, offering a secret sauce is nothing more than a grand tap dance that later turns out to have very little substance.
We do our very best to communicate in a clear, easy to understand manner - - the simpler the better. We don’t keep people in the dark; neither do we hide behind silence (“I am important and hard to reach”) or email or some other automated avoidance behaviour. We try to give context and reasons why we say what we say. We have a limited amount of time but we do make great effort to be on the phone with everyone who wants to talk to us - - even if we do have to be brief. In that way we focus on what’s important and what is a waste of time so we can all channel our energy to the right places.
Simplicity is sometimes found in complexity. Put things as simply as possible but no simpler we are told. Looking for simple cause and effect in human beings and their organizations just doesn’t work and we often don’t know why. To effect change there are often a number of factors at play and they all have to be dealt with at once. The dynamics of a situation like vector forces are interactive and mutually self-reinforcing (positively or destructively). Sorting out what influences what is often an exercise in futility but knowing what factors are in play is important. To effect human change all of the key factors have to be dealt at once, not sequentially or one at a time. Taking partial or incremental steps is often insufficient and therefore only leads to discouragement.
The simplicity in complexity comes from the actions we take. We need to be very explicit in the action steps that are necessary to solve a problem or challenge. Everybody needs to be extremely clear on the overall plan, what their role is in the plan and why. The vision and the solution steps need to be over communicated until clarity is reached. Clarity starts with “why” and finishes with what “obviously” needs to be done. It needs to be said over and over and over again until everyone understands. Leadership is about straightforward purpose and finding everyone “a place in the choir”.
Simplicity takes a great deal of effort but there is little that is more worthwhile.
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