Powerful ... Making You Powerful

Powerful … Making you Powerful

What would it be worth to us to be at the top of our game, at least most of the time? If we had our coworkers at the top of their game? Oh wow. So how come we are not?

We get caught up in our machinery. We don’t always take the time to rise above the fray. What we do is help you rise above that fray a little bit better and a little more often.

We help you find better people that will make all the difference to you. We help you uncover your customers’ frustrations and growing concerns. We help you target your strategy on these emerging opportunities and to not get off track. And, we help you learn innovation in a thorough and complete way because that’s where the best leadership comes from. But it is not about us, it is about you, making you more powerful.

If you are growing more powerful, we have done our job. Not much else matters to us.
So what makes for a strong and growing company, a sustainable one?

  • Sound leadership that knows what it stands for
  • Ability to see & adapt to changing markets
  • Strategy that’s both tied to past growth & new emerging trends
  • Real life innovation tied to our core competencies
  • Attracting good people and great talent

Who wouldn’t die for this type of company? Is this just a fairytale or a fond wish? The problem is we have to live in the real world with our failures and victories, our keen discernment and stupid blunders, our exasperations and our triumphant glories. And, we have to be on guard against our successes. When ego replaces humility we can make gigantic mistakes that just might ruin our company for everyone.

We have big decisions to make all the time; it is all too easy to go astray. Who can help us stay on track, rightly focused? Middle management tells us what they think we want to hear. Senior managers have their own hidden agendas, no matter how loyal they might be. The fight for limited corporate resources and the desire to guard our own career trajectories twists everyone’s mouth. Like kings, chief executives rarely get honest opinions from their ministers. There is too much intrigue going on at court. And what about those nagging “weak signals” we keep noticing that are putting us on edge? Getting at the truth is not easy. Wouldn’t it be nice to just have a sounding board so we could just think out loud? Who can help us be objective and face our suspicions?

We can help but not because of any great expertise or wisdom we have. You are the best expert on your own business and your own industry. You have the greatest understanding and wherewithal to get things up on a higher plane. You have your vision, your truth and your one big overarching goal.

What we can do is help you escape all the busyness, lobbying and firefighting. We can help you face what’s being brushed under the bed or put on the back burner for too long. We can help you think clearly for yourself and put you on your own best resources. We can help you with principles you can stand on with grit. We free you to lead the way want to and need to for everyone’s relief, inspiration and then satisfaction. Our job is to help you become more personally powerful than you have ever been… and your coworkers with you. As you can imagine, that’s worth a lot.

We are just helpers, helping you become more powerful.

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© 2025 by Armstrong Carter Pe-Trick .... A Professional Services Practice Making You Powerful... Executive Search Since 1979